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EXC 400

Chemistry Analyzer

An automated floor-standing chemistry analyzer
customized for medium throughput laboratories.

Constant 400 T/H offers a higher efficiency
24-hour non-stop refrigeration system for reagent enables a steady operation environment
Minimum reaction volume and lower water consumption result in cost-effectiveness
Bilateral LIS interface allows convenient results transfer
Over 100 original reagents and quality controls ensure reliable and traceable results
  • 400T/HHigher efficiency
  • Over100ItemsOriginal reagents
  • 24HourNon-stop refrigerated


  • Throughput400T/H
  • MethodologyEnd point, Fixed-time(two point), Kinetic
  • Sample capacity100 including emergency positions
  • Reagent capacity80 positions with 24-hour non-stop refrigeration system
  • Reagent typeLiquid, ready-to-use
  • Mixing systemIndependent mixer with two rods
  • Control methodsReal-time, within-day, between-day control etc.
  • Wavelength340-800nm, in total 12 wavelengths
  • Operation systemWindows 10, support LIS